
Register Now to Enroll Your Child into Kinder College for 2024

The decision to enroll your child into Kinder College for 2024 is a big one. However, it’s important to start planning ahead. Kinder College is a great opportunity for your child to get a head start on their education and prepare them for their future academic success.

To enroll your child, please complete this form and pay the Registration fee to secure your child’s spot. It’s important to note that it’s best to start the application process as soon as possible as spaces are limited in each age group.

In addition to the application process, you should also start preparing your child for Kinder College. This can include practicing basic academic skills such as counting and letter recognition, as well as socialization skills such as sharing and taking turns.

Overall, deciding to enroll your child into Kinder College is a great way to set them up for success in their academic career. By doing your research, submitting a strong application, and preparing your child for the transition, you can ensure a smooth and successful start to their academic journey.

To find out more: contact us on 082 936 6635 or on info@kindercollege.co.za